Tag Archives: Spanking

Flamenco Failure

Kami had never been filmed in this dress before & she had made a request to be spanked in it so we happily obliged coming up with a rather cheesy story where she is punished for being a shoddy Flamenco dancer who embarrassed her camp coach, John, who decides on a novel way of motivating her with his hand & a nasty stingy slipper. Her bare bottom is spanked stood up then over a stool with her pert bottom turning as red as the crimson dress! John’s camp nature soon disappears as he gets into the latin rhythm & flamenco beat as Kami’s exposed bottom jiggles in the most mesmerising fashion!

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You can find the full film at  Triple A Spanking – AAAspanking.com



This video is also available as a special one off download (see below)
